Reflection Theory
Classical (Newton's) mechanics implied that gravitating
masses directly interact at a distance, and this interaction is transferred in
a moment, i.e. with infinite speed .Spontaneity
of interaction (range action) and infinite speed of the transfer of
gravitational information from one body to another implied the absence of any
mediator (environment) for information transfer and, consequently, any
distortion of such information. By this reason, different from electromagnetism
where the degree of distortion of electromagnetic information at interaction of
charges with environment dividing them is characterized by relative dielectric
and magnetic penetrability, the corresponding
was always equivalent to 1. This seems to proove that any gravitational environment, the condition of
which is influenced by mass interaction, as it occurs in electromagnetism, as
if does not exist at al. Anyway, Maxwell's electromagnetism has greatly
influenced the forming of physical mentality, so the special (SRT) and in
particular the general (GRT) theories of relativity imply that, on the first
hand, mechanical information is distorted during its perception by interacting
bodies, and, on the other hand, that there exists a gravitational field around
the gravitating bodies.
Truly these theories have distorted the sense of physical processes up to their
total contradiction to the real state of things, but anyway they allowed to
create a nearly perfect formal imitation model, which can not be surprising as,
having some practice, we can accustom to finding destinations even on a map
turned upside down. Physiologists claim that a person wearing glasses turning
the picture over can not only find right ways, orientate himself well, but in
time starts to perceive the surroundings quite adequately. Indeed, God's ways
are inscrutable! However, it is more convenient, having normal sight, to wear
no glasses than get used to an exotic unit, the thing that we will be trying to
do further on.
The theory of relativity not only has distorted physics but led Einshtein himself nowhere, as he changed his view on the
presence or absence of gravitational waves few times during his career. And no
wonder! For, on one hand, if there exists a gravitational field, it has to
spread with final speed (of which the speed of light с
is meant), and this predetermines the existence of gravitational waves and
distortion of information transferred by them. But on the other hand though, as
stated before, , there are no waves at all, while a paradox
EPR (sudden polarization of one electron formed during annihilation and
positron of broken quantum during polarization of the otner)
proovs that information is transferred with infinite
speed, which excludes the wave process. Thus we have to choose from either
these or those ideas.
As to Einshtein, his last point of view was however
to the benefit of gravitational waves, that is why the expensive search for
them is still under way. However, as it will be showed further in this study,
there are no gravitational waves and there can not be any, and the author wrote
about it in 1983 [A.A.Denisov. Informatuional
bases of management -L., Energoatomizdat, LO, 1983. p.70]. But at that time the respect for the theory of relativity
was still very high, and the authors's statement went
by as if unnoticed.
Later, in
However, when the same year the author became candidate to the Academy of
Sciences membership, it turned out that those statements had been noticed, and
the expert commission for preliminary dropping out candidates under the
influence of academicians Alexandrov, Gaponov-Grekhov and others sincerely thinking that to
follow Eishtein's ideas meant to be a sinless
scientist did not let him go to the elections.
Moreover, after the author's brochure "The Myths of the
Theory of Relativity" [A.A.Denisov. The
Myths ot the Theory of Relativity.-
Vilnius 1989-52 p.] was issued, a bacchanalia of
persecution began, and to hide from it the author had to become a people deputy
of the
All this is said here not to arise compassion, for the author has been happy
both in his scientific and private lives, but to outline the agressiveness and obtrusiveness of scientific dogmatism.
The only conclusion that can be made of this is to state that all this can be
found among people of science even more often than among ordinarily people, for
it is masked by erudution.
Anyway something prevents us from understanding that Einshtein's
achievement lies not in creating shizophrenic model
of physical processes but in understanding the decisive role of physical
information in these processes when their development is defined not by the
real condition of interacting objects but by that information they obtain about
each other. For the same way our behaviour is
influenced not by the real situation but by the information (which is often
wrong or false) we have on this situation.
Thus, different from the classical mechanics which is based on absolute informativity of interacting objects about each other, the
newest physics has only to make amendments in connection with the distortion of
information in physical processes. SRT and GRT can be considered as the first
though not successful attempt. So we try to make another one, basing upon this
wistful experience.
Basics of Motion Reflection Theory .pdf .djvu .doc
Bases of Gravitation .pdf .doc Gravitational waves
are absent. This
paper is devoted to the new theory of gravitation based on informational
analysis of physical processes.
Basic Electromagnetism .pdf .doc This paper is
dedicated to information interpretation of electromagnetism, according to which
only electric field is real and the rest is artefacts,
distortion of field information caused by the motion of interacting charges. This approach allowed to correct and
amend the field equation system, correct calculation of kinetic energy density
and quantity of the motion of a charge, interaction force of the charges in
motion, show the electric nature of gravitation and describe longitudinal electrostrictive waves, i.e. to set up a basic unified
field theory as well as to define the mass of neutrino. Neutrino
(graviton) mass and radius were calculated
Longitude waves and Unified Field Theory .pdf .doc
Correction of the base of modern physics
Field as a System Information of a Biological Objetct .doc
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